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Designing Creative Teams:

6 min readMar 30, 2015


Asynsis Universality in full #FormFollowsFlow at Manchester City

¡Play makes H(e)y!

No Dick-tators. Yes Curators!

(How to best synergise Emergent Innovation in any Team or System via Mission-led, Asynsis #SynPlexity)

Ideal Geometries Release Optimal Potential (& Value) through Curated Play & Common Purpose

Optimal Self-Similar Relationships — the Ideal Analogical Geometries of Empathy

It’s built into the way the world works, from geometry to nature, people and society. It’s called Universality and it works for igniting innovation in everything…including Football (so it must be true)!

Like a non-algorithmic Penrose tiling, finite shapes, well connected, can create infinitely varied patterns.

Penrose Quantum Error Correction — Quanta

This is how universality explores and evolves emergent possibilities and adds value most cohesively, easily, rapidly and elegantly.

Does that sound familiar? It should — because it’s flat, horizontal, minimally hierachical, it’s holacracy, it’s curated purpose-oriented play.

Play as defined in terms of fun, empathy, recreation, making plans, models and theatre to explore new concepts, ideas and hypotheticals.

What the new sciences of complexity tell us is that Nature can self-organise to evolve, and it does it with lateral, playful dynamics that explore as much information in a possibility-space as possible, most simply, elegantly & quickly — all for the least energy cost and shortest time.

This is done by leveraging classical geometrical echoes of quantum complexity, which has enormous computational power.

Teams are a collective consciousness. So they work best when they’re connected by a mission-led purpose that encourages both lateral and vertical thinking as needed, in as many and varied ways as possible.

When they’re both bottom-up as well as top-down.

Encouraging and giving constructive feedback and encouraging, curating agency which is both empowering and motivating.

Vertical and lateral, focused and playful in turn, especially when problems need solving and new thinking is needed.

For example, when a wicked problem is posed, we need to go into a more lateral thinking, more free-style, playful thinking mode to explore a wider possibility space. That only occurs in teams that have mutual trust and respect, that have bonded and work well together as a unit.

Once potential wicked solutions have been arrived at, then a more detailed, focused approach is needed to test and refine the design, which is exactly where the Asynsis MetaLoop proposal is at to decarbonise and decongest our cities ASAP (since they emit or are responsible for, at least 70% of all carbon emissions), as we pursue NetZero by 2050 for human civilisation.

Asynsis on Twitter-X

Look at the dancing circles in my Twitter-X profile image and how they change relative positions and sizes. That’s just what creativity is — playing with permutations and potentials to find the most ideal and fit for purpose arrangements for a particular task.

Creativity is both divergent as well as convergent — and it yields moments that flip modes — or even keep both (or several), in superposition, most easily.

In terms of game theory, of Nash Equilibrium or Correlated Equilibrium, the most potential is released for the least energy cost during self-organised critical, phase-transition regimes (known as dynamical systems universality); when co-operation replaces conflict and more “benefit” options are sampled for the least energy and time “cost”.

Phase-transitions happen when energy levels change, like from day to night and between seasons (eg: the phases of water). Our planetary environment, constantly in flux — has created energy-processing dissipative entities (that began as simple molecules, culminating in us), that have evolved to predict likely futures via models and “experiments”. Play Predicts Possibilities

Like liquid water transforming from either solid ice or gaseous vapour, play happens in a fluid region where order and randomness are in dynamical tension.

Like a rampant Arsenal winning the English FA Cup, “rotation and fluidity” are signatures of Universality in action, in both football and in life.

The geometry of the natural world into which we’re all embedded is fractal and recursively self-similar, it’s feedback-led, bottom up and top down in symphonic harmony, adaptive & resilient, rhyming and resonant, delivering gestalt (wholes that are more than the sum of their parts — synergies). That’s what empathy is: emotional fractals and self-similarity between individuals and within teams.

Also known as Group Happiness

Ultimately, it’s curating Eudaemonia in the team context, Aristotlelian versions of these ancient Greek forms of love that encourage Platonic (non-sexual), collective flourishing within the cohort focused on virtue and self-group actualisation through, common, good purpose:

  • Philia (deep friendship)
  • Ludus (playful love)
  • Agape (love for everyone)
  • Pragma (longstanding love)

So the best teams are the ones that are best curated and synergised by empathic and sympathetic mentors that tolerate and actively encourage equality & pluralism.

  • Philautia (love of the self)
  • Storge (family love)

Philautia that reflects self-respect (but not narcissism), for confidence, Storge solidarity in teams are also relevant.

So these teams usually feature banter, humour and informal moments in a way that emerges naturally, defuses tensions and crucially, via transparency, builds mutual trust.

It’s what the French called an Espirit de Corps and is why a happy, healthy and creative team is also a pluralistic democracy (at least in permitted, dedicated phases when consensually appropriate), that thrives on diversity, simplexity (or SynPlexity), appropriately shared information, equity and inclusive, lateral, epiphanic shared humour.

Leadership from the front, is mentoring by doing - delivering fulfilled potential for both individuals and the unit in an Aristotelian “Collective Flourishing”— yields an emergent, consensual unity of shared purpose and meaning, rather than an imposed, solely top-down authoritarian “dick-tatorship”.

“The antidote to despair is action
Lesley Hughes

An example of this mentoring action is leadership by doing, is giving your teams agency — by together exploring and proposing real world solutions to wicked problems, backed by an evidence-based, coherent and rigorous design thinking position like the Doughnut Economy or the TED-spread Asynsis Principle.

Asynsis Principle — Self-Similar Nature, Self-Observed, Self-Organised

This curated and cogent play, with cohesive discovery and testing strategies, leads most easily to an adjacent possible of new possibilities and innovation, just as the sense of sight and power of flight first evolved in nature.

The geometries that best express these (ultimately, information), flows and behaviours are those of the TED-spread Asynsis principle , of synergised simplexity, or #SynPlexity — and since they’re also those of beauty in nature & culture, science & art (not to mention total football) — perhaps this should come as no surprise at all. ;-)

“Some have called the ongoing trend for ever-more versatile individuals — capable of contributing to every phase of play, and multiple positions — the era of Total Football universality, but it may as well be the age of Cruyff.”

In memory of the late, great Johan Cruyff, and celebrating his legacy via Barcelona, Pep Guardiola and the spectacular Manchester City.




Architect+Designer, Complexity geometer, Sustainability futurist, TEDx speaker, Asynsis principle: More for Less, Form follows Flow