CosmoGaia — An Asynsis paradigm

Seeds & Trees

14 min readNov 16, 2015
Frutta Misto del Mare by John Olsen
Mario Merz — Phibonacci

Why is the universe so fine-tuned, like Goldilocks’ medium temperature porridge to be perfectly clement for the emergence of life and intelligence?

So what if the universe wasn’t actually a closed system?

What if physical law and symmetries were actually forms of universal metabolism?

Where do the universal Power Laws we see all around us come from?
Where does this multi-scale, fractal scaling, the fruit of recursive, feedback loops, in space and time originate?

Self-organised critical systems exhibit these power laws.

So is our world self-organised critical (of which life forms and their consciousness are the epitome)?

Perhaps a clue is that here on our planet, the exemplars for fine-tuned, power law-manifesting, autopoiesis-led, complex adaptive systems are ecosystems.

What if the Cosmos was really an evolved, “typical” open, ephemeral, energy-dissipating, information-processing, entropy-exporting, far from equilibrium system instead?

Nested Worlds within Worlds

What if it was processing and dissipating an energy input while also losing that energy via various sinks into an external environment— while also doing “useful work”; transiently self-organising and self-observingly increasing its information content and complexity as an inevitable consequence of thermodynamic irreversibility physics and elementary optimal, analogical and recursive geometries?

So is ET actually without?

Possibly, just as Bacteria & Viruses are inside us, so we’re also, flowing within a universal super-organism or colony (just as we do on Earth — Gaia), like a celestial coral reef — but on a far grander, cosmic scale.
Are we “loving the alien” — because we’re actually inside one?
Is our “seed” universe a giant cosmological-scale, deep-time, emergent Poised Realm energy-dissipating, error-correcting, information processing, entropy-exporting, self-organising “boot-strapping”, Hofstadter “strange loop” feedback-led, vitaemimetic entity fine-tuned at Criticality, which is in turn part of an even arbitrarily larger “tree” multiverseecosystem”?


That’s a natural implication of the optimal, beautiful, recursively multiscale, fractal geometries behind the #Asynsis #FormFollowsFlow paradigm; of these organising, optimal error-correcting feedback geometries that are often found embedded in complex systems and living beings — because, as Einstein said to Le Corbusier:

“…they make a difficult job more easy.”.

#AsAboveSoBelow — or so said Giordano Bruno.

Is it Black Holes all the way down (& up)?

Inspiration also comes from the likes of:

#Darwin #Whitehead #Lovelock #Kauffman #Smolin #Bejan

Dedicated to our dear mother & father: Janet & Tony Reading - and recently re-published on her birthday, plus to my brother Peter, and wife and mother of my two sons, Susy Zhu Xi, Nio and Max.

Micro-Macro: As Above, So Below, by Sam Chivers

“All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

“Hidden harmonies are more than obvious.”


What if the geometries of adaptivity and resilience in dynamical systems, be they galactic, stellar, planetary, or biosphere systems suggest an underlying, universal spatio-temporal harmony of scale and resonances?

After Whitehead — if an Electron’s state changes represent “events of primitive experience”, what if flux in Electro-Magnetic Fields convey a yet more sophisticated field of experiences?
If the Earth has a self-organising, homeostatic Gaia system level of panpsychist awareness or prehensionthat has maintained a biosphere optimised for life; is it more than just a metaphor to posit that the Sun, Planets and Solar System are also part of a more simple, fundamental gestalt, self-organising system that possesses a form of metabolism, sentience or even consciousness?

Is the Sun Conscious?

So what indeed if the universe itself is thought of as a huge instantaneously, non-locally connected, quantum entangled ER=EPR (relativistic wormholes = quantum entanglement, as framed by Einstein Podolsky & Rosen in 1935 and recently reconciled by the likes of Leonard Susskind), quantum computing system; as a self-organising & observing Gaia-like super-organism after Smolin, Lovelock & Whitehead — or lifeform (besides big bang birth and big rip death; also processing information, minimising entropy production — exporting & leveraging it, growing, maintaining homeostasis, reproducing and evolving in deep-time, as a universe “figure” on a multiversal inflationary, period-doubling, exponential “ground”)?

What if the dark matter filaments that weave galaxy clusters together behave like Bose-Einstein condensates, allowing for the expanding, accelerating, growing universe to have instantaneous ER=EPR entanglement (in a metabolic-analogous “super-conducting” connectivity), across its vast extent?

Why does the Asynsis position see #CosmoGaia (the Universe — in a Copernican extension of the Earth-Gaia model, as a self-organised super-organism — as a space-time “Tree”, subject to #CosmologicalNaturalSelection), as the logical and ultimate conclusion of #Relativity?

The great James Lovelock posits that the earth is a self-organised critical, poised realm system that maintains homeostasis by allowing the most connections across the most diverse elements, for the least energy and resource cost.
That the biosphere maintains a circular, stable regime for its own continued, sustained existence. The 21% far from equilibrium levels of oxygen in our atmosphere was the epiphany for him when studying the atmosphere of Mars for NASA. Oxygen would be less than 1% without life’s tenure on Earth.

Carbon too, cycles through our planetary atmosphere, surface and crust — just as it does both before and after Earth’s very existence, thanks to the star-formation cycle.

So what if the conditions for the entire cosmos (the physical constants, the elements and their proportions, the physical laws themselves, perhaps even the laws of geometry), were also in a poised-realm, self-organised critical regime at present? A regime that also cycles life-critical elements like the prodigiously gregarious and creative carbon?

What if the fact that quantum entanglement-superposition means that effectively, at this fundamental level, an electron can be universally-connected and in all states, and that a photon is timeless (moving at the speed of light means it in a sense, experiences no time); just as an entangled-superposed electron experiences no place — Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance”, implies that we are in a Gaia “poised realm” regime at cosmological scales as well?

What if the universal maximal connection of diverse elements within a unitary, self-regulating system that we experience on Earth has an analogous parallel across the cosmos?

This is exactly what ER=EPR suggests is possible, where “spooky action”, quantum entanglement and superpositions (the maximal connectivity), are analogues of microscopic relativistic bridges (the diverse elements linked across the universe).

They allow, to my mind, a vast cosmos, but one which paradoxically, also has a foundational, elementary level that allows, via ER=EPR for a “one time, one place” regime to be accessed because it needs to be a singular, internally coherent, homeostatic SynPlexity entity to literally, be sustainable, via the principle of least action/energy (just like a biosphere, or an organism does).

Because of the Big Bang birth and Big Rip demise of the universe (cosmological constant — a terminal dark energy accelerated expansion), because of thermodynamic heat death; also processing & storing information (“metabolism” or (un)consciousness-#ERequalsEPR and #OrchOR panpsychism laws), the minimising of entropy production — exporting it via #Constructal flows into a multiversal environment, growing, maintaining homeostasis and perhaps reproducing via “seed” black holes and so evolving in deep-time, as a universe “figure” on a multiversal “ground” while continuously manifesting #Asynsis forms, multi-scale optimal, analogical design geometries — just as we also see in classical botany and phyllotaxis.

Now, Nobel laureate Roger Penrose, and Stuart Hameroff together theorise a Cosmos that is (proto) Conscious at a fundamental Quantum level, founded on “Platonic Values” which deterministically seeds Life via positive reinforcement feedback, when conditions permit.

So I would venture that Penrose’s “Platonic Values” geometry that informs this ontological universal “Operating System” must be related to Plato’s Platonic solids, as confirmed by the E8 Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything of gracious Asynsis client and Theoretical Physicist Garrett Lisi, which is itself founded on dual Dodecahedral-Icosahedral (thereby fundamental, irreducible Asynsis geometries.

So these fundamental geometric “alpha” and “omega” beginnings and endings of our universe also suggest a life-span, while the other above behaviours can also be ascribed to what we more commonly associate with life-forms.

#FormFollowsFlow #AsAboveSoBelow

But can the universe actually be an open system that’s exporting and leveraging its entropy? Where could the entropy-sinks be?
I speculate at least one sink is Black Hole holographic-fractal, quantum-critical, Bose-Einstein condensate analogue event horizons (which increase in area in proportion to their increasing entropy). They are literally, on the boundary of our universe, beyond which, there is no return, no more access to our time, nor to our space (except via Hawking radiation, which is indirect because that’s due to the very mixed fate of virtual particle pairs).
There are fascinating links between #ERequalsEPR toy universe models and computational complexity #Universality on these event horizons — please see the pinned post here:

David Bohm’s quantum potential also suggests an information bridge of non-local “surreal” hyper-connectivity to this classical-scale #Universality.

Another conjecture I make is of gravity/entropy leaking into a bulk region beyond our 4D spacetime, so (according to M theory), explaining its extreme relative weakness. This could be another entropy-export mechanism, the former also being associated with multiversal reproduction (Cosmological Natural Selection — certain black holes seeding entire inflating multiverses in a potentially p-adic Cantor tree cascade), with the latter more a “metabolic” entropy disposal as a byproduct of gravity-assisted complexity increase via #AsynsisConstructal #Universality.

And what if biological vitalism & human consciousness is replaced by dynamical systems #universality as a classical analogue of quantum superpositions and entanglement (such as ER=EPR and φ-IIT vrs OrchOR)?
What if our human consciousness is channeling a “quantum field” of consciousness from the Planck scale “below-within” us and the universal holofractal event horizon “above-beyond” us (since in this multi-scale p-adic model, our multiverse with our “baby”-bud universe is inside/after a black hole (or is it a white one?), which is in turn inside/after another “parent” outside/before universe in an arbitrarily-long cosmological chain), to achieve the full information-processing power of the human mind?

This being further processing-powered by the sheer number of microtubules in our neurones and then their own synaptic network connections (collectively far more than the stars in our galaxy), further bolstered by our higher calorific food intake percentage over other higher mammals?

So do our minds become a quantum-critical universality-led microcosm (a geometrical analogue — also processing as a φ-IIT neuronal network), of the entire macrocosm universe (perhaps sourcing its immense computational complexity information-processing power via ER=EPR wormhole-entanglement and OrchOR quantum coherence — both from the below-within quantum field and from above-beyond universal event horizon based on the Holographic principle), which in turn, is a flowing “figure” on a multiversal “ground”?

A Deus Ex Machina for CosmoGaia?
Is Our Universe a Hologram?

“As Above, So Below”

Giordano Bruno

Cosmologist Paul Davies on Black Holes & Asynsis geometries:

“Perhaps there is something in the warped architecture of the black hole that picks out φ, just as Phidias reputedly did with his Parthenon sculptures.
Or perhaps the golden ratio is more deeply embedded in the structure of nature and this is one glimpse of it.
Whatever the case, this example — and others that have fascinated mathematicians and artists for centuries — illustrates that what is significant in nature is also likely to be beautiful.”

Black Holes by their nature are poised on the very edge of our Universe, like cosmic sinkholes.

Also, the gravitational collapse of anything that falls into one is the exact time-reversal of a Big Bang, and both feature singularities as their ultimate termini — just in opposite temporal directions.
The fact that they manifest Asynsis universality geometries (the geometries of optimally creative, beautiful behaviours in nature — exemplified by Penrose tilings and plant phyllotaxis-growth), at a crucial moment in their evolution — suggests much.

Perhaps it’s when they do something creative themselves, so (as has been suggested by the likes of Lee Smolin and his Cosmological Natural Selection), if they are a kind of seed — could their Asynsis Golden Ratio modes be a cosmological germination event?
Asynsis — Phi over SpaceTime — Creation Exemplified? #Asynsis & Naked #Singularities — another #Universality QED #BlackHoles & #GoldenRatio #Constructal via @CosmosMagazine

Design in nature, the rise of computational complexity (which is the mathematical bridge that connects ER to EPR), within this universe itself can also be described by the optimal, analogical flows of the Constructal law into the beautiful, simple forms of the Asynsis principle.
Speaking of those ideal geometric forms; these designs in nature, they’re also flows: they’re signatures of thermodynamic processes, I’ve recently shared on how the golden ratio can also be seen as a temporal signature (an asymptotic convergence, to be precise), of dynamical systems universality, of how nature evolves emergent complexity most robustly, adaptively and rapidly.
But really, looking exclusively at only Spatial interpretations are so last century anyway.
We need to look at what nature is doing in Time, deeply irreversibile (multiversal?) Time.
And does that also mean the entire repertoire of plant phyllotaxis is an illusion?
Plants are telling us something, that we need to think harder about the Temporal, thermodynamics and growth, as Alan Turning did in his last research on the Asynsis geometry Fibonacci series, phyllotaxis and morphogenesis before he tragically died at an early age.

Wolfram Class 4 Rule 30 & 110 Cellular Automata (building on the work of John Conway’s Game of Life, Christopher Langton’s Edge of Chaos, Per Bak’s Self-Organised Criticality and Stuart Kauffman’s Poised Realm), most simply express these heuristics; which we see both in nature and in models of natural systems. They all display computational complexity universality behaviour and appear whenever nature is doing anything creative, including in lifeforms, ecosystems and arguably during the “fine-tuned” initial conditions of our universe.

Conway’s Game of Life — A Complex 2D Digital Universe from Simple Rules, #SynPlexity exemplified.

So we need to look at both the animate and inanimate, at the dynamical and space-time, not just the frozen and static. It seems the way nature works is to manifest the golden ratio not as a spatial fossil, rather an optimal temporal energy flow signature. An efficiency (& beauty) constant.
All this current argument is only over the residue or sedimentary forms of these dynamical flows — so we are missing half the picture (as I’ve been sharing since first publication in AD Magazine, based on Masters studies in Architecture & Computer Science at the University of Westminster, drawing on the British Library’s Science Collection, London).
Entropy begets Design — QED:

What the sciences of complexity and dynamical systems have been sharing recently is that the golden ratio is one of several optimal, analogical geometric signatures of how nature evolves emergent complexity most easily (most adaptively and resiliently — for the least energy-resource cost, with vital sustainability-promotion consequences) — over time.
It’s a dynamical behaviour, a verb not a noun.
It’s not the phone number, but the very action of dialing.

That dialing action may well be thought of in future as nature evolving its emergent properties, its laws over generations of universes in a multiversal fitness landscape, while always seeking the optimal and beautiful, least action, Occam’s razor, Asynsis #Universality solutions.
Since these serial (& perhaps also parallel) universes are effectively experiencing life-cycles (as mentioned above, besides big bang birth and big rip death; also processing information, minimising entropy production — exporting it, growing, maintaining homeostasis, reproducing and evolving as a universe “figure” on a multiversal “ground”), perhaps they in future will also be seen as Darwinian life-forms, with their own emergent laws, constants and non-local behaviours at the quantum-scale — as their “metabolisms”?

If so, our current world view of the universe and planet as fundamentally dead, inanimate realms with only a thin veneer of life will have to change; since like the teachings of the Dao, we would then begin the see the entire Cosmos, with us embedded within, as alive.

The Asynsis #DaoOfDesign proposes that we better map nature’s ways to do it less damage while ensuring our own thriving. If we understand that to damage any nature is to injure a fellow lifeform, perhaps we will also become more respectful in how we interact with our environment?

Here’s how I Tweet it:#Asynsis #DaoOfDesign on TED at TEDxWanchai HongKong.
A New, Extremely Lean, Mean (#Design) #TheoryOfEverything
The very latest examples (including explicit #E8 & #ERequalsEPR #QuantumCriticality #PoisedRealm #Universality relationships), are shared here (please enjoy!): #AsynSoφia

This is not a new idea. Over 2000 years ago in the Philebus and Timaeus, Plato argues for the idea of a world soul or anima mundi.

According to Plato:

“This world (universe) is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence … a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related.”

Plato, Timaeus, 29/30; 4th century BCE

Robert Lanza’s Biocentrism is another, more contemporary example.

Pythagorean-Platonic-Penrose western-origin geometries are taking us full circle — back to a panpsychist view, while through the #DaoOfDesign #FormFollowsFlow dual #Asynsis principle and #Constructal law paradigm; we are also finding real confluence with similar eastern-origin concepts from Daoism, Shinto and Zen Buddhism like Wabi-Sabi, which remind us of the Ta Panta Rhei …all is flow” of the pre-Socratic philosopher, Heraclitus.
Asynsis, via computer science and architecture — is a new synthesis of both traditions, that reveals how Nature designs most simply and beautifully (by optimally, analogically and recursively exporting and leveraging entropy in open energy-dissipating systems); in a manner that perhaps reveals her ultimate, profoundly universal (and likely multiversal), animation.

HyperEscher Butterfly
CosmoGaia by Pablo Carlos Budassi




Written by NigelReading|ASYNSIS

Architect+Designer, Complexity geometer, Sustainability futurist, TEDx speaker, Asynsis principle: More for Less, Form follows Flow

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