Amen Cory, a trenchant and timely critique.
So IMHO the most optimal, non-enshittfied Public Transit possible will be Public Private Partnership, Green, mostly elevated (so 80% of trip itineraries are non-stop), express Personal Rapid Transit AVs - ie: #MetaLoop - where #TheStationComesToYou & there's #MoreYouTime for family, work, study, play, rest, sleep & you!
Bonus: City deCarbonisation and deCongestion, productivity gains, social cohesion from 5+ revenue surplus-recycling per Doughnut Economy ("read my lips (no really) new taxes").
Please check out our new video here (direct competition to Elon Musk's RoboTaxi - but more socio-economically beneficial and eudomonia-superior due to optimal geometric organisation per the Asynsis principle, as aligned with the Constructal law of thermodynamics as shared on TED further below):