7 min readNov 18, 2023


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Australia’s Commendable but Reactive Pacific Island Pact also needs a Proactive Permanent Residency-Resource Enjoyment Agency & Climate Action Pillar Two

Tuvalu from above

It’s admirable that Australia has signed a pact with the Pacific Island State, that merges sovereignty and security with invited climate (sea level-rise), refugee migration and resettlement to Australia; but what about using our Asynsis SynPlexity design thinking (as shared on TED conferences as a published, conference-shared and peer-reviewed new Green Design ToE), allowing their people more agency to if they wish, choose to remain on their Blue Pacific Continent, to enjoy its resources in situ while also help multi-modally solve the Climate Crisis wicked problem with soft Geo-Engineering?

Exclusive Economic Zones of the Pacific

So we have a Pillar One, but what could Pillar Two entail?

It’s later than we think, no time to waste.
  1. Floating Communities anchored onto existing atolls and seabeds.
    A recent SeaSteading-type concept for the Maldives:
An example of Floating Cites via Waterstudio

Responding in attending the 2024 Pacific Islands Forum on Tonga, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres is unequivocal about the need for immediate, urgent action since our “oceans are overflowing”.

2. Solar Radiation Management with Sea-harvested Salt Crystals for Albedo-boosting Cloud Seeding

A Pacific Island Geoengineering Purpose

So, the Asynsis.com team proposes that the Australian government commissions a feasibility design led by us, along with select engineering consultants (such as our frequent partners Arup), and the CSIRO,
to investigate the viability of this universal, planetary-scale
TED-spread SynPlexity Design Thinking proposal to allow Pacific Islanders to remain in place despite sea level rises (while having the option to re-settle to Australia-New Zealand), align with historical partners and secure development funding via revenue share from marine resources like fisheries and aquaculture, not to mention eco-tourism; while mitigating Global Heating with Solar Radiation Management (SRM), for the benefit of all humanity and the biosphere.

Why we must heed the science and act immediately.

The current (2024) mass bleaching event of global coral reefs will not only result in marine fishery decimation (jeopardising global marine food supply because the reefs are fishery nurseries), and the greater erosion of our coastlines; but also ruin national ecotourism programs from the Caribbean, South East Asia, East Africa, Pacific Islands, the Red Sea to the Great Barrier Reef.

2024 Sea Surface Temperatures are literally “Off the Charts”
Daffodils on Christmas Day — Northern Hemisphere Spring in December

This SRM as now advocated by renowned Climate Scientist Dr James E Hansen of Columbia university (formerly of NASA), could be in the form of Oceanic Salt Crystal Cloud Seeding to increase the Earth’s albedo reflection of solar radiation, potentially mitigating droughts and increasing homeostatic precipitation in the tropics (with implications for stabilising global food production), while also reducing or better still, reversing global temperature increases to buy us time (latest study paper news), to avoid climate tipping points, while we urgently, fully decarbonise.

Here’s Marine Cloud Brightening work done by Dr Daniel Harrison and his team at Southern Cross University on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

Australia Leads the Way on Solar Radiation Management trials on the Great Barrier Reef


Climate Tipping Point Example
Dr James Hansen interviewed in late 2023
Why SRM is now a Right of Future Generations, not just a Necessity
Ship Sulphate pollution decreases have caused more Solar Energy to be absorbed by the Earth
Ship Sulphates have historically cooled the Northern Hemisphere — What will (cleanly) replace them?
GeoEngineering must be trialed now.
Ocean Surface Heating
Monsoon Rain reductions causing Forest-depleting Droughts in the Amazon and Sub-Equatorial Africa
Sea Salt Crystal Cloud Seeding Ships
Dr James E Hansen’s advocacy of SRM
The Blue Pacific Continent

Further, Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) has high potential efficacy in our Oceans, so this is another CleanTech industry that the Pacific Islands Forum and Alliance of Small Island States could consider — see chart below:

Four Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal Strategies — All with Large Sequestration Potential & Long Timeframes

Biofilms and Boreal Forests — how to replace the Carbon Sequestration of our Arctic and other Temperate-Tropical Forests if they’re at risk of burning?

Biofilms around our Oceanic coastlines, sequestering carbon into minerals that could be used for low-carbon or even carbon-negatives uses, including in the infrastructure and construction industries should also be explored.

Equatorial Solar Radiation Management with Oceanic Salt Crystal Cloud Seeding

3. So how to best fund and invest in Solar Radiation Management pilot programs?
Global Stakeholders who currently derive their revenues from Fossil Fuels (soon to also evolve into diversified, adjacent more sustainable energy sources like Enhanced Geothermal and Gold Hydrogen), can both enhance their social licenses and offset their past and current carbon emissions with carbon credit and offsetting mechanisms that invest in Green projects such as Renewable Energy, Green-Gold Hydrogen, Green Urban Transit & Power (like our Asynsis MetaLoop), Analog Forest-Tree Planting (see Asynsis Kati Thanda), along with prototyping Solar Radiation Management and Global Cooling measures like this Tuvalu Tenure one proposed here.

For example, in the MENA region — there is also a LEED-compatible Saudi Mechanism for achieving Carbon Neutrality for all new projects (and there are many at GIGA scale in their Vision 2030 strategy), via this government Carbon Offsetting and/or Carbon Credits route:

GCOM Overall Steps — GCOM

The relevant LEED process for credits/offsetting:
Carbon Offset V4 Alternative Compliance Success — LEED CI | LEEDuser

So Carbon Credits could be purchased by stakeholders like Aramco to offset their emissions to Net Zero, by investing in carbon-emission reduction/mitigation, soft geoengineering schemes like the ones proposed here.

Australia of course, as the world’s third-largest Fossil Fuel exporter, can take a regional and global leadership role to help encourage and drive this process to expedite our world-wide NetZero efforts.

Rights and Responsibilities.

It and the other major Fossil fuel exporting and consuming countries and corporations also have a moral responsibility and duty of care (increasingly bolstered by judicial enforcement), and opportunity to preserve social and political license; to also invest in mitigating the environmental, health and political-economic damage that their economic activity is, and has historically caused, just as they have hitherto, rightfully profited from the economic benefits of those same activities.

4. Ocean Cleanup Bases could be another port and logistics infrastructure use and employment generator, for the world’s pelagic islands, distributed across our oceans to sweep them free of rampant plastic pollution.

5. Deep Sea Mining (DSM) of CleanTech Polymetallic Nodules (crucial 4th Industrial Revolution raw materials for solar, wind, batteries, EV-AVs, et al, if deemed safe), might help provide further revenue for the above Solar Radiation Management, Carbon-Acidification & Ocean Plastic Removal efforts, directly via levies, or as guarantors for dedicated Green Bonds.

6. Hydrogen Production Ships:

The “unintended consequences”, Global Heating significance of the recent reduction in Global Dimming, via the BBC’s Horizon Science program:

BBC Horizon Global Dimming Documentary




Written by NigelReading|ASYNSIS

Architect+Designer, Complexity geometer, Sustainability futurist, TEDx speaker, Asynsis principle: More for Less, Form follows Flow

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