A New Music of the Spheres

4 min readJun 6, 2016


Kepler’s Mysterium Cosmographicum Dream realised with the Asynsis Constructal paradigm — a Relativity of Complexity?

A new Three Body Problem paradigm.

NASA Solar System Survey Completed

To celebrate the completion of NASA’s survey of the solar system, we share a new Music of the Spheres, a complexity-led, Newtonian-Relativity compliant QED for the #AsynsisConstructal geometric-thermodynamics paradigm in both space and time:

  1. SPACE: The relative sizes of all astronomical bodies throughout the universe is a Constructal distribution due to gravitational tension:

Researchers have explained why objects in the universe come in a wide variety of sizes, from the largest stars to the smallest asteroids -- and it has a lot to do with how paint cracks when it dries. When a volume is under internal tension -- as the early universe was due to gravity -- the most efficient way to relieve that tension is by 'cracking' hierarchically -- few large and many small.

2. TIME: Is the Hum a Music of the Spheres for our age? If confirmed, this appears to be more Asynsis-Constructal QED — more evidence (this time from celestial mechanics), that the emergence of Asynsis energy-resource optimal, analogical temporal-spatial geometries often and best describes Constructal irreversibility-thermodynamic behaviours in nature at all scales and time frames.
What we’re beginning to understand is that the Mysterium Cosmographicum of Johannes Kepler, where the relative proportions of the ultimately Phi-derived Platonic Solids mapped the spatial distribution of the planets, was more accurately true of the periodic, dynamical behaviour of the planets over time.

This behaviour is literally most sustainable because it allows the solar system (and so likely all extrasolar systems too, since this is a universal behaviour), to act as an optimally stable ensemble most resistant to perturbations, that has a dynamic that most easily persists in time as it orbits the Milky Way, thereby yielding a relatively stable environment for the emergence of planetary evolution, complexity, life itself and ultimately (when the homeostatic conditions are right, with life — in turn yielding artificial life), SynPlexity.

And what keeps us in the Goldilocks zone, and saves Earth from being hurled into the celestial void, to freeze into a barren snowball?

Remarkably, it’s Asynsis dynamical, spatio-temporal geometry, as hypothesised here by the author in AD magazine, published in 1994.

Recent substantiation, via Galileo unbound:

Life’s #SynPlexity Sphere Music
Asynsis Universality — Quanta

So the emergence of both the spatial scale and structure, coupled with the temporal stability of celestial bodies’ relative movements, appears to follow the AsynsisConstructal paradigm, which ultimately in turn, is related to the E8 Lie Group Cosmology of Garrett Lisi.

So do we have a KAM theory natural constant for emergence itself?
We would argue that the answer (in this pure “Pythagorean” case of orbital harmonics), would have to be a resounding, profoundly existential “yes”.

“The logical conclusion is that feedback is present via perturbations…(that reveals energy minimisation and optimal sufficient energy exchange via the Principle of Least Action — first published in AD Magazine in 1994, and yields maximum (adaptive yet resilient), stability for the sun & planets as a complex dynamical system and spatio-temporal architecture, via a self-organised critical, poised-realm of universality).”
Nigel Reading RIBA

And for how this originally Galilean-Newtonian classical physics paradigm yielded to the higher dimensions of Chaos & Complexity theory via Poincaré, further inspiring brilliant SciFi…we need to explore the Three Body Problem.

Still Life Reslicitando, 1963, Remedios Varo

Kepler’s Mysterium Cosmographicum




Architect+Designer, Complexity geometer, Sustainability futurist, TEDx speaker, Asynsis principle: More for Less, Form follows Flow