1 min readFeb 12, 2020


A good if partial, exposition.
Perhaps consciousness is largely quantum-classical, with the quantum-critical #PoisedReam of Stuart Kauffmann being the bridge?
Penrose and Hameroff have since rebutted Tegmark comprehensively via numerous quantum biology proofs abetted by Kauffmann, while Giulio Tononi provides the classical Phi metric for consciousness as integrated, irreducible information.

Non-locality can perhaps also be harnessed, allowing the brain to channel #ERequalsEPR (quantum spooky action = relativistic wormholes, to emulate analogously, the processing power of the entire universe), with #FIT Fractal Information Theory being the continuum.

So consciousness emerges perhaps thus:

  1. Panpsychist pixels of elementary consciousness at sub-quantum scales
  2. Dimers-Tubulins-Microtubules #OrchOR quantum processing and memory-encoding of Penrose and Hammeroff
  3. Neurons-Glials (analogues of Flash-Hard Drives & RAM respectively) & Cortical Arrays , firing — creating a quantum-classical self-organised critical, edge of chaos, conscious EM plasma that processes information in the brain, to paraphrase Tegmark
  4. Poised Realm and Fractal Information Theory Bloch Spheres (allowing #ERequalsEPR effects), quantum criticality of Kauffmann and Bandyopadhy, lately referencing Wilczek’s Time Crystals
  5. #PhiIIT classical integrated information of Giulio Tononi.

Please note that points 1–4 feature quantum effects (including that quantum entanglement equals micro-wormholes), at least in part, with only PhiIIT being entirely a classical process, beyond Bohr’s Correspondence principle.

The common optimal, integrated, irreducible #Asynsis principle geometries behind all of the above being:




Written by NigelReading|ASYNSIS

Architect+Designer, Complexity geometer, Sustainability futurist, TEDx speaker, Asynsis principle: More for Less, Form follows Flow

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